Friday, July 21, 2006

Ciana is 1 Year Old Today!

Our Baby Girl is 1 Year Old...

It seems like we just brought her home...
Though she has been in our hearts forever.
Little curls and big smiles,
She laughs at her brother and shows us how she can stand and with help walk.

We Love You Ciana... our Baby Girl!

Monday, July 10, 2006

More California Vacation Pictures...

Asleep on Great Grandma Hay

Ciana and Fischer with cousins and Great Grandma

At the park!

Back in Montana, outside of Yellowstone Park.

Vacation in California...

At Carmel Beach.
Great Picture of Fischer at Fisherman's Wharf Monterey
More at Carmel with Ciana
Aunt Lavette in San Jose.
Jeff at Shoreline Church in Monterey.

Fischer and Daddy Go Fishing...

Shopping with the Kids

Ciana and Fischer love to shop...

Ciana does seem to have her own mind at times... like here she is saying, "I'm outa here!"

In 10 Days... We will have a 1year old!

It has been a while since I have updated this blog... sorry!
Here is some recent family pitures.