Sunday, June 26, 2005

1 cm

1 cm.....
Yep, TES is at 1 cm. Everything is going great. We have an appointment for induction on July 21st, unless Cianna decides to come sooner. We are so excited.... TES is always on the look out for cute girl outfits....

We are starting to get things pre arranged for the event. Packing, finding someone to watch
Fischer... and things like that.

We are pretty much ready.......

We still need to get a bassinette.

and coming soon Cianna!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

inquiring mind Posted by Hello

TES is Nesting

Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean.....
TES is nesting and in the cleaning zone.... We bought a new (used) bed for Fischer....He is not too sure about it yet. It is a race car! He still seems a little too young, but we think as Ciana is born, for a while she will be in our bedroom in a bassinet.... Then in about 6 months she gets the crib and Fischer will be in his new bed permanent.

So, we only have about 6 weeks left. TES is very excite to meet the new little one she has carried for so long. I am quite excited to meet her also.

It has been a little different than when we had Fischer. We have less stress, in some ways. Different type of stress now. We never really played music to her like we did Fischer. I guess in a way we have been more busy. We do know Ciana will know all our voices.... Especially Fischer's as she jumps and moves when she hears him.

She is a mover! It is amazing to watch TES's tummy move. TES is constantly saying, "Watch this!"

With Fischer TES would go "oh!" then giggle... With Ciana it seems like she goes "OH!"
It seems also that TES is carrying Ciana higher, as Fischer seemed to be right on her bladder and block her colon..... (hmmm maybe too personal there).

We appreciate all the prayers, love and all.
C,T,F, and Ciana